Links to Microsoft Excel and VBA, User Forums, MVP Websites, Tutorials, Other Sites / Blogs and Facebook Groups.
Getting started with VBA in OfficeExcel VBA reference
Microsoft Excel Community
Excel and VBA User Forums
Excel ForumExcel Fox
Excel Guru Forum MrExcel Message Board
OzGrid Free Excel/VBA Help Forum
Teach Excel Q&A Forum
VBA Express Forum
Excel MVP Websites
Andy Pope - AJP Excel InformationBill Jelen - Mr Excel
Charley Kyd - Excel User
Chip Pearson - Pearson Software Consulting
Debra Dalgleish - Contextures
Jan Karel Pieterse - JKP Application Development Services
Jon Peltier - Peltier Technical Services - Excel Charts and Programming
Ken Puls - Excel Guru
Purnachandra R Duggirala - Chandoo
Ron de Bruin - Ron de Bruin Excel Automation
Stephen Bullen - Office Automation
Tom Urtis - Excel Solutions and Development
Analyst Cave - Simply The Best Place To Learn Excel VBAAutomate Excel
Excel Champs
Excel Macros & Programming
MVP Sumit Bansal - Trump Excel
PK: An Excel Expert Online Excel Tutorials
Teach Excel
Wise Owl Excel Training
Other Sites / Blogs
Better SolutionsExcel Tip
Excel Tips
Excel Off The Grid
Excel Unusual - Science, Engineering, Games in Excel & VBA
Struggling to Excel
The Spreadsheet Guru
Facebook Groups
Excel and VBAExcel Tricks
Microsoft Excel Group